B is for Bob CD Deal

I was really excited to see this new Bob Marley compilation album that was engineered by his son, Ziggy.  It was put together specifically with kids in mind.  I’m a big Bob Marley fan (each of my kids–including Layla–have a Bob Marley t-shirt of their very own!) and was anxious to get this CD.

Honestly, at first when I listened to the songs very quickly I was slightly disappointed.  All the songs basically sound the same as the songs on my multiple other Bob CDs with a few exceptions.  But after listening to the songs all the way through I did pick up on a few differences.  The most notable ones are “3 Little Birds” and “Jammin'”.  I love the acoustic sound on “3 Little Birds”!  And I love that it has most of my favorite Bob songs on it.  From the easily recognizable “One Love” to the more obscure (but one of my favorites) “Small Axe”.  I will definitely be playing this for Layla when she arrives!

So about the deal . . . the CD is on sale at Target this week for $11.98.  Inside there is a coupon for a free subscription to Parenting magazine.  HOWEVER, if you don’t want or need the subscription (my subscription is good until 2012–found for free online of course!) then you can mail the coupon and a copy of your receipt in and get a $7 refund!  Sweet.  So the CD ended up costing me just $5!

And if you live under a rock and have never heard or heard of Bob Marley….here is a little video for your watching and listening pleasure!

3 Responses to “B is for Bob CD Deal”

  1. 1 Lynn July 22, 2009 at 11:16 am

    I love Bob (& secretly want to be a dread head) & am planning a trip to target right now! 😉

    • 2 lsaufley July 22, 2009 at 2:50 pm

      I would LOVE to have dreads. My hubby thinks I’m crazy but how cool would it be to not have to brush your hair? His cousin has them and I love ’em!

    • 3 lsaufley July 22, 2009 at 2:51 pm

      I just realized this is the Lynn that I know when I clicked on your blog! LOL!

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July 2009