Blogging about blogging: My 1 Year Blogiversary!

February 14 was my one year blogiversary!  So what better to blog about than blogging?!  First lets have some cake. 

 cake Pictures, Images and Photos

I have no idea who that child is but he either just had his first birthday cake or he has massacred someone.   

 So all you bloggers out there–I have a question:

Why do you blog

Here are few reasons that I blog and/or read others’ blogs:

  • To share snippets of our fabulous life with the world.  This blog started as a means to share and journal about my journey to better stewardship of my money.  Along the way though it has turned more into a family blog.  I still blog about deals I find, ways that I save money, recycling, etc.  But I also share alot about my personal life and my family.
  • As a means to journal our lives.  I hope these posts will be on here for years to come so that my kids will be able to read them one day!
  • To share information that I have learned.  Sometimes I post about  homeschooling, or recycling/being green, or shopping at CVS.  Sometimes it’s a little controversial–I got a lot of hits when I blogged about breastfeeding.  Sometimes it is just something that really touched me or meant something to me.  It always amuses me to see how people find my blog.  On any given day I will have 1-10 search hits from people looking for information about the Outer Banks!  I posted a very long entry last summer about vacationing there and a lot of people have found it.  (I hope that it’s been helpful to them!)  I also get a lot of hits from people looking for information about “teething 3 year olds.”   I posted in September about Madalyn getting a new teeth at the age of (almost) 3 and apparently she isn’t the only kid out there to get her full set of teeth that late in life!
  • As a means of networking with others and meeting new people.  Through blogging (both through mine and through reading others) I have “met” Laura   who I share a lot in common with and who I hope one day I will meet in real life!  I have also “met” Lindsey–who I am planning to meet in real life soon since she lives in the town where I am moving to.  I have also reconnected with Alison and have gotten to ‘know’ her kids, and Melissa who I have known for a long time but don’t get to see that often! 
  • To learn about how others live.  I have picked up helpful tips from Sara about living frugally and living green.  I have  learned an awesome decorating motto from Nester (“it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful”).  And I have fallen in love with Family Fun Night thanks to Heather.

I remember 5 years ago a friend at work telling me that her teenage daughter had a blog and I had never heard of them!  And here I am–a blogger since January 2006.  If you click on that link it will take you to my OLD blog–my first photography blog.  You’ll find some very embarrassing photos from when I was first learning photography!  (You will also see a terrible layout that I changed and can’t figure how to change back!).  Now you can see my newer business blog HERE.  But beware–it has been neglected for a long time.  Gonna get it back up and running when we move!  

So there ya have it.  My blog about blogging. 

I’d LOVE for you to leave me a comment about who you are and how you found my blog!  

2 Responses to “Blogging about blogging: My 1 Year Blogiversary!”

  1. 1 GoodCents February 22, 2009 at 5:26 am

    Glad I don’t have to clean up that kid! 🙂 Happy Belated Blogiversary! I blog because I get excited about good deals and I like to share them in hopes others will see a great deal and feel that bit of excitement I do .

  2. 2 Melissa February 22, 2009 at 8:22 am

    Well, I am pretty sure you know who I am 🙂 So, why do I blog…because my friend Laura said I should really start my own blog 🙂 Yep, that really started it all! My first real blog was all about book reviews (per your suggestion!). Then I decided to give up blogging on MySpace about my life and get a real blog. I blog about our life, things that interest me, my training, my hopes and dreams, anything that sparks a good thought. I love blogging…it’s therapeutic for me and I am excited that when I do some of my scrapbooking, I have a basis to get some of my journaling done for things because I have blogged about it. (Especially my weight loss scrapbook because I have blogged that entire journey!) So, yep, I am addicted to blogging all because of you 🙂 Happy Blogiversary! I do so enjoy reading your blog and getting to keep up with you! And in May when I am in VA for longer than a weekend, we shall have to try and make some plans for a visit 🙂 I would love to see you 🙂

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February 2009